Super Meat Boy Wiki

A collage of most playable characters in Super Meat Boy.

The Super Meat Boy series contains a variety of unlockable characters in multiple games.

Characters can be unlocked through various means, typically by collecting items, completing Warp Zones, or entering secret codes. Characters unlocked may also be different depending on versions of the game.

Meat Boy (+ Map Pack)[]

In Meat Boy and its Map Pack expansion, characters unlocked are either created for the game or are guest characters from other Flash games or Newgrounds in general.

Meat Boy unlockable characters[]

Character Origin To unlock
MB BandaidGirl
Bandage Girl
Meat Boy Beat the game
MB CastleCrasher
Castle Crasher
Castle Crashers Collect 4 bandaids
MB DrFetus
Dr. Fetus
Meat Boy Collect 8 bandaids
MB Gish
Gish Collect 16 bandaids

Map Pack unlockable characters[]

All characters previously unlockable in Meat Boy are unlocked by default in the Map Pack expansion.

Character Origin To unlock
N Collect 4 bandaids
Pico Pico series Collect 12 bandaids
Alien Hominid Alien Hominid Collect 20 bandaids
Tankman Newgrounds Collect 28 bandaids

Super Meat Boy[]

In Super Meat Boy, most unlockable characters are special guests from other video games, mostly indie games. Others are either variants of Meat Boy or special characters from the game.

There are certain points in which the player cannot choose a specific character:

Warp Zone unlocks[]

Warp Zone-unlocked characters appear in all versions of Super Meat Boy.

Character Origin To unlock Abilities
SMB Icon CommanderVideo
BIT.TRIP series Complete SMB WarpZoneB The Commander! Midair hover
SMB Icon Jill
Mighty Jill Off Complete SMB WarpZoneB The Bootlicker! Air brake
SMB Icon Ogmo
Jumper series Complete SMB WarpZoneB The Jump Man! Double jump; smaller hitbox
SMB Icon Flywrench
Flywrench Complete SMB WarpZoneB The Fly Guy! Triple jump; indefinite wall slide
SMB Icon TheKid
The Kid
I Wanna Be the Guy Complete SMB WarpZoneB The Guy! Double jump

Bandage Unlocks[]

Character Origin To unlock Abilities Versions
SMB Icon Gish
Gish Collect 10 bandages Sticks to walls and ceilings Console
SMB Icon HeadCrab
Half-Life Collect 10 bandages Sticks to walls and ceilings PC
SMB Icon AlienHominid
Alien Hominid
Alien Hominid Collect 30 bandages Midair blaster shot All versions
SMB Icon Josef
Machinarium Collect 30 bandages Midair spin PC
SMB Icon MeatBoy8Bit
8-Bit Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy Collect 40 bandages N/A All versions
SMB Icon Tim
Braid Collect 50 bandages Turning back time Console
SMB Icon Naija
Aquaria Collect 50 bandages Midair dash PC
SMB Icon MeatBoy4Bit
4-Bit Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy Collect 60 bandages N/A All versions
SMB Icon Spelunky
Spelunky Collect 70 bandages Midair explosive dash Console
SMB Icon Runman
RunMan series Collect 70 bandages Very fast sprint PC
SMB Icon MeatBoy4Color
4-Color Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy Collect 80 bandages N/A All versions
SMB Icon PinkKnight
Pink Knight
Castle Crashers Collect 90 bandages Midair flutter jump Console
SMB Icon CaptainViridian
Captain Viridian
VVVVVV Collect 90 bandages Can flip gravity PC
SMB Icon Ninja
The Ninja
N Collect all 100 bandages Very fast sprint Console
SMB Icon Steve
Minecraft Collect all 100 bandages Block placement and removal PC


Most of these characters are not necessarily unlockable, but playable through special means.

Character Origin To unlock/play Abilities Versions
SMB Icon MeatNinja
Meat Ninja
Super Meat Boy 100% the game Auto-sprint; teleport All versions
SMB Icon BandageGirl
Bandage Girl
Super Meat Boy The Cotton Alley levels N/A All versions
SMB Icon Brownie
Super Meat Boy Code input
(See here for details)
N/A All versions
SMB Icon TofuBoy
Tofu Boy
Super Tofu Boy Code input: "petaphile" Very slow; Guaranteed A+ rank PC
SMB Icon GooBall
Goo Ball
World of Goo Code input: "ballgoo" Can stick to walls and ceilings PC
SMB Icon PotatoBoy
Potato Boy
Super Meat Boy Super Potato Boy levels N/A All versions
SMB Icon DrFetus
Dr. Fetus
Super Meat Boy Devmode Invincible; can shoot rockets PC (devmode)

Super Meat Boy Forever[]

In Super Meat Boy Forever, most characters are unlocked through collecting pacificers on top of some other objective, including characters unlocked via Warp Zones.

Compared to Super Meat Boy, SMBF contains no guest characters, and most characters play the same (the only exception is Tofu Boy, who slows down over time and will occasionally stop to rest).

Character Origin To unlock
SMBF Icon MeatNinja
Meat Ninja
Super Meat Boy "Never Give Up"
(Complete Burly Brawl)
SMBF Icon BandageRipper
Bandage Ripper
Super Meat Boy Forever "Never Give Up"
(Complete Burly Brawl)
SMBF Icon DrFetus
Dr. Fetus
Super Meat Boy Collect 31 pacifiers + "Too Many Jerks!"
(Complete Burly Brawl)
SMBF Icon PrototypeBoy
Prototype Boy
Super Meat Boy Forever Collect 3 pacifiers
SMBF Icon Squirrel
Super Meat Boy Forever Collect 35 pacifiers + "'S' Rank Light World"
SMBF Icon Manic
Super Meat Boy Forever Collect 40 pacifiers + "Recruit Him, Boss"
(Complete Manipulator with Squirrel)
SMBF Icon Brownie
Super Meat Boy Collect 50 pacifiers + "A Race Against Time, And Win"
(Enter a level from The Other Side as Meat Ninja, then complete A Race Against Time)
SMBF Icon ClassicBoy
Classic Boy
Super Meat Boy "High Score!"
(Complete Break the Slugger with a score of 44000 or higher as Classic Boy)
SMBF Icon ClassicGirl
Classic Girl
Super Meat Boy "High Score!"
(Complete Break the Slugger with a score of 44000 or higher as Classic Girl)
SMBF Icon TofuBoy
Tofu Boy
Super Tofu Boy Collect 60 pacifiers, then enter a level; at random, the player character will be Tofu Boy. Complete the level as Tofu Boy to unlock him.
SMBF Icon MegaBandage
Mega Bandage
Super Meat Boy Forever Collect 12 pacifiers + "Bzzt"
(Complete Mega Bandage)
SMBF Icon FMeat
Super Meat Boy Forever Collect 15 pacifiers + "Backward"
(Complete M-Zero within 55.5 seconds, backwards)
SMBF Icon LilMeat
Lil' Meat
Super Meat Boy Forever Collect 9 pacifiers + "Bull Charge"
(Complete Super Knockout Boy by hitting C.H.A.D. during his bull charge attack)
SMBF Icon Meatsona
Super Meat Boy Forever Collect 6 pacifiers + "Toasty"
(Complete Test Your Meat without failing on any of the three rounds)
SMBF Icon ClassicDrFetus
Classic Dr. Fetus
Super Meat Boy "Insurance Fraud"
(Complete Break the Slugger with a score of 44000 or higher as Classic Dr. Fetus)
SMBF Icon RelationshipGoals
Relationship Goals
Super Meat Boy Forever Collect 90 pacifiers + "'S' Rank Dark World"


Specific to Super Meat Boy[]

  • Alien Hominid was originally only available in the XBLA version, but after the release of Super Meat Boy: Ultra Edition, he was added to the Steam version. He cannot be selected in the pause menu's character switching.
  • The reason you can play as Dr. Fetus in devmode is possibly because his movement patterns in his boss battle (in Chapter 6) are a recorded run of the level of a developer playing as Dr. Fetus, since Dr. Fetus shoots rockets in the boss battle, and goes through objects that kill the player.
  • Due to a glitch in the PC version named "bandage duplication", it's possible to have more bandages than needed, and still have a character locked (for example, you may have 22 bandages but not have the Headcrab locked, which requires 10 bandages to unlock). Closing the game, and then opening it again will remove the extra bandages obtained from the glitch, and unlock the character(s).
  • In a blog post, Edmund McMillen once stated a few characters that were cut from the game; some of which Team Meat was unable to get the rights to, and some that were intended to be exclusive to the canceled Wiiware port.[1]
    • Teal Ogmo from Jumper 3 (because the regular Ogmo is extremely similar to Meat Boy)
    • Mondo Priest from Mondo
    • Goo Girl from World of Goo
    • Knytt from Knytt
    • Golden Knight from Bonesaw
    • Quote from Cave Story
    • Lemenza from La Mulana (misspelled as "Leeza" and "Lemeza")
    • A Beat from Bit.Trip
    • Fancy Pants from The Fancy Pants Adventures

Specific to Super Meat Boy Forever[]

  • Unlike the original Super Meat Boy, Dr. Fetus can now be unlocked normally without cheating/hacking the game.
  • Brownie no longer is playable by entering a code and now has normal unlock requirements.
