Super Meat Boy Wiki

The Hospital is the second chapter in both Super Meat Boy and Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine.

It is an abandoned and run-down hospital, with all the equipment and experiments were left behind for some reason. It is littered with used needles, dangerous electronics, pools of blood and houses a zoo of diseases. Sawblades are also still a plenty, but not nearly as much as The Forest.


Super Meat Boy[]

Like most chapters in Super Meat Boy, The Hospital contains 20 levels in its Light World and Dark World, including three Warp Zones and 20 bandages to collect. After clearing 17 of the 20 Light World levels, the boss level is unlocked. The levels in the light world consist of either, a red, blue or purple background, but will be mostly blue, especially during the end. What is presumed to be The Forest can been seen in background. Throughout the levels, the sun will begin to rise, causing it to be morning after defeating C.H.A.D..

The chapter introduces new mechanics and obstacles, namely needles, fans, AIDS, keys, lock blocks, betuses, and lasers. This chapter still uses sawblades but not as commonly, with needles serving as the main hazard. The Hospital will still use a good chunk of the obstacles found in The Forest, and likewise for other chapters.

The Hospital is succeeded by The Salt Factory.

Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine[]

Like most chapters in Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine, The Hospital consists of 20 levels. Only 14 out of the first 19 levels are required to unlock the 20th level. In which the 20th level must be beaten to progress to the next chapter. It is a fake set modelled after The Hospital, created by Dr. Fetus in his lab. Fake cardboard Flies with nurse hats can be seen on a track In this game. Along with these flies, are some IV poles with blood in them. Broken monitors can be spotted as well. Brick rubble, buildings and cardboard boxes can be spotted around the outside.

Spoops appear as obstacles in this world, likely as a nod to The Clinic, a similar chapter from Super Meat Boy Forever. Garbage Meats also appear in this chapter, but as a reoccurring obstacle. Unlike The Clinic or Super Meat Boy's hospital, needle piles do not appear in gameplay. Sawblades do appear in this chapter, just like every other chapter.

The Hospital is succeeded by The Salt Factory.


Super Meat Boy[]

Light World levels[]

Level Name Secrets A+ Time
SMB 2-1 LW
2-1 Biohazard N/A Par time 11.00
SMB 2-2 LW
2-2 One Down SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 10.50
SMB 2-3 LW
2-3 Memories N/A Par time 14.00
SMB 2-4 LW
2-4 Blew N/A Par time 9.50
SMB 2-5 LW
2-5 Big Empty SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 16.00
SMB 2-6 LW
2-6 The Grain N/A Par time 15.00
SMB 2-7 LW
2-7 Hush N/A Par time 19.00
SMB 2-8 LW
2-8 The Sabbath SMB WarpZoneB The Bootlicker! Par time 25.00
SMB 2-9 LW
2-9 Blood Swamp N/A Par time 11.00
SMB 2-10 LW
2-10 Johnny's Cage SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 12.00
SMB 2-11 LW
2-11 Ghost Key N/A Par time 9.00
SMB 2-12 LW
2-12 Above SMB WarpZoneA Castle Crushers Par time 11.00
SMB 2-13 LW
2-13 Ulcer Pop SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 10.00
SMB 2-14 LW
2-14 Aunt Flo N/A Par time 16.00
SMB 2-15 LW
2-15 Gallbladder SMB WarpZoneA The Blood Shed Par time 19.00
SMB 2-16 LW
2-16 Synj SMB BandageBandage Par time 15.00
SMB 2-17 LW
2-17 Worm Food N/A Par time 14.00
SMB 2-18 LW
2-18 Destructoid SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 16.50
SMB 2-19 LW
2-19 Six Feet N/A Par time 14.00
SMB 2-20 LW
2-20 Day Breaker SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 24.00
SMB 2-Boss LW
SMB Boss Level C.H.A.D. N/A N/A

Dark World levels[]

Level Name Secrets A+ Time
2-1X Back Track N/A Par time 17.00
2-2X Pinkeye Falls N/A Par time 14.00
2-3X Buzzzzcut N/A Par time 13.00
2-4X Blown SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 14.00
2-5X Agent Orange SMB WarpZoneC 1977 Par time 20.00
2-6X Cher Noble SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 19.00
2-7X The Moon SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 30.00
SMB 2-8 DW
2-8X Grape Soda N/A Par time 33.00
2-9X Centipede N/A Par time 14.00
SMB 2-10X DW
2-10X The Kracken SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 13.00
SMB 2-11X DW
2-11X Spineless N/A Par time 12.50
SMB 2-12X DW
2-12X Grey Matter SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 22.50
SMB 2-13X DW
2-13X Dust Bunnies N/A Par time 11.00
SMB 2-14X DW
2-14X Crawl Space N/A Par time 31.00
SMB 2-15X DW
2-15X Insurance? SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 32.00
SMB 2-16X DW
2-16X P.S.Y. SMB Bandage Bandage Par time 16.00
SMB 2-17X DW
2-17X Nels Box N/A Par time 12.00
SMB 2-18X DW
2-18X Electrolysis N/A Par time 17.00
SMB 2-19X DW
2-19X Tenebrae N/A Par time 11.10
SMB 2-20X DW
2-20X Solemnity N/A Par time 36.00

Warp Zone levels[]

Level Name Secrets Level found
SMB WarpZoneB The Bootlicker! SMB Icon Jill Jill 2-8 The Sabbath
SMB WarpZoneA Castle Crushers SMB Bandage 2 Bandages 2-12 Above
SMB WarpZoneA The Blood Shed SMB Bandage 2 Bandages 2-15 Gallbladder
SMB WarpZoneC1977 SMB Bandage 2 Bandages 2-5X Agent Orange
SMB 2-Glitch WZ
Glitch Achiev2 -2 |>'-'|> +1% completion Any level

Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine[]

Level Name A+ Time
2-1 30.00
2-2 35.00
2-3 1:00.00
2-4 35.00
2-5 50.00
2-6 1:05.00
2-7 35.00






2-11 45.00
2-12 55.00
2-13 50.00
2-14 45.00
2-15 50.00
2-16 40.00
2-17 50.00
2-18 55.00
2-19 40.00
2-20 1:10.00





  • In Super Meat Boy Forever, The Clinic appears as an alternate take on this chapter.
  • The Forest and The Hospital are the only chapters whose cutscene does not use the 8-bit remix of a level theme.
  • This is the only chapter in the game to have silhouette levels in the light world.
  • Even though the first official appearance of the hospital has no paranormal activity, it is inferred that it is haunted.
  • The intro cutscene for Super Meat Boy is a reference to Castlevania[1].

Related achievements[]

Super Meat Boy[]

SMB Icon Jill The Bootlicker
Unlock Jill
SMB NeedleBoy Needle Boy
Complete the Hospital without dying
SMB BloodClotBoy Blood Clot Boy
Complete the Hospital Dark World without dying
Glitch Achiev2 &*>?1$
Mediumrare Medium Rare (Secret)
Spend as little time as possible in The Hospital

SMB NeedleBoy Needle Boy TrophyGoldGold
Beat The Hospital without dying
SMB BloodClotBoy Blood Clot Boy TrophyGoldGold
Complete the Hospital Dark World without dying

Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine[]

DFMMM TheHospital The Hospital TrophyGoldGold G75
Finish World 02
DFMMM Doctor Doctor TrophySilverSilver G50
Get the A+ Rank on all Levels in World 02.


  1. of the intro and the original.
Chapters in the Super Meat Boy series
Super Meat Boy The Forest · The Hospital · The Salt Factory · Hell · Rapture · The End · The Cotton Alley* · Teh Internets** · Super Meat World**
Super Meat Boy Forever Chipper Grove · The Clinic · Tetanusville · The Lab · The Other Side · 0xDEADBEEF*
Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine The Forest · The Hospital · Salt Factory · Tetanus · Hell · The Lab
Meat Boy The Forest · The Salt Factory · Hell · Expert Chapter*
Meat Boy (Map Pack) Easy Levels** · Medium Levels** · Hard Levels** · Expert Levels** · Impossible Levels**
* = Bonus chapter; ** = User-generated content