Super Meat Boy Wiki
Super Meat Boy Wiki
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Super Meat Boy: Rival Rush is a competitive tabletop spinoff of the Super Meat Boy series. It first became available at PAX West on August 31, 2018. Copies of the game are currently available on The Yetee.


Super Meat Boy: Rival Rush is a two-player competitive game in which the primary goal is to get to the end of a board consisting of a series of segments using moves. On each turn, players will use cards from their deck that will help them progress, hinder the opponent, or change the board.


Super Meat Boy: Rival Rush contains a 100 unique cards in a 128-card set. Each copy of the game comes with two complete sets, meaning both players are able to create any kind of deck right out of the box.


  • Segment cards contain levels from Super Meat Boy and chunks from Super Meat Boy Forever.
  • This game technically marks the debut of Nugget, having released over two years before Super Meat Boy Forever's launch in December 2020.