Super Meat Boy Wiki
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Pacifiers are collectible objects in Super Meat Boy Forever. They are Nugget's pacifiers that supposedly dropped from her person as she was taken away by Dr. Fetus.

Pacifiers replace bandages from Super Meat Boy in terms of functionality: They appear throughout the game's levels as bonus collectibles that might be harder to obtain than completing the level normally, and collecting them will help in unlocking characters.



There are three distinct types of pacifiers:

  • SMBF Pacifier Pacifiers are blue and must simply be touched to be collected.
  • SMBF Warp Pacifier Warp Pacifiers are green and will move to another location when the player touches it. This can happen multiple times, depending on the chunk. Its position is reset when the player dies.
  • SMBF Timed Pacifier Timed Pacifiers are red, and will vanish after a variable amount of time. It will respawn with a reset timer when the player dies.

30 pacifiers are generated per world generation, with six in each world (excluding 0xDEADBEEF). Pacifiers can appear in any level, dependent on the chunks used. 30 more pacifiers can be obtained each time the player does New Game+. The final unlockable in the game requires 90 pacifiers, meaning the player will need to do New Game+ at least twice to unlock everything.

When a pacifier remains collected, it will remain collected if the player beats its chunk, even if they die later into the level (treating the chunk like its own level in terms of pacifier collection). The pacifier, however, won't be truly collected until the level is completed in its entirety.

Pacifier locations[]

Pacifier locations are dependent on seed, as specific chunks will have specific pacifier placements. To find which chunks can contain bandages, look for the chunks page for each level.

Pacifier unlocks[]

Pacifiers can be collected to unlock or gain the opportunity to unlock characters.

Pacifiers Unlock Other requirement
SMBF Pacifier 3 SMBF Icon PrototypeBoy Prototype Boy N/A
SMBF Pacifier 6 SMBF Icon Meatsona Meatsona Toasty
SMBF Pacifier 9 SMBF Icon LilMeat Lil' Meat Bull Charge
SMBF Pacifier 12 SMBF Icon MegaBandage Mega Bandage Bzzt
SMBF Pacifier 15 SMBF Icon FMeat F-Meat Backwards
SMBF Pacifier 31 SMBF Icon DrFetus Dr. Fetus Too Many Jerks!
SMBF Pacifier 35 SMBF Icon Squirrel Squirrel "S" Rank Light World
SMBF Pacifier 40 SMBF Icon Manic Manic Recruit Him, Boss
SMBF Pacifier 50 SMBF Icon Brownie Brownie Race Against Time, and Win
SMBF Pacifier 60 SMBF Icon TofuBoy Tofu Boy Clear a level as Tofu Boy after getting 60 pacifiers
SMBF Pacifier 90 SMBF Icon RelationshipGoals Relationship Goals "S" Rank Dark World

Meat Grinder[]

Pacifiers in Meat Grinder serve a different purpose to the main game. Multiple can appear on a level, with each one giving 10000 points.

