Meat Grinder is an additional game mode in Super Meat Boy Forever that was introduced in the January 15, 2024 update. It features two different ways to quickly play through a set of chunks.
Meat Grinder is currently only available on PC and mobile versions of the game, with a console release planned to release soon.[1]
Levels played via Meat Grinder have a few differences from the main game. Namely, the current level time does not reset after reaching the first checkpoint, multiple pacifiers can be collected, and a score system is used.
After completing a level in Meat Grinder, the player will receive a final score. The score is calculated based on time, rank, and pacifiers collected. Specifically, the equation is the following:
Total Score = (par time/player time * 100000) + rank bonus + (pacifiers collected * 10000)
If the player receives an A+ Rank, they get a rank bonus of 25000. If the player receives an S Rank, they get a rank bonus of 100000.
Quick Game[]
Quick Game lets the player generate a level out of chunks from the game. The chunks selected are random, but also dependent on filters the player chooses.
- Players can choose to get chunks from any chapter of their choice (Chipper Grove, The Clinic, Tetanusville, The Lab, The Other Side, 0xDEADBEEF) or one of them at random.
- The length of the level can be chosen between Random, Short, Medium, or Long
- The difficulty of the chunks used can be chosen between Hard and Cruel
- Whether or not the level uses Light World chunks, Dark World chunks, or both, can be determined.
- This includes previously unused 0xDEADBEEF Dark World chunks.
After confirming settings, the level will be generated. The character used will always be random.
The Daily Grind[]
The Daily Grind features a hand-crafted level out of chunks from across the game every day of the year. The player has unlimited attempts to play that day's level to try and get a high score. High scores for all players appear on daily leaderboards, as well as time, pacifiers collected, and number of deaths.
- Meat Grinder marks the first time chunks from 0xDEADBEEF's unused Dark World are playable.