Super Meat Boy Wiki

Clingy; Itchy

Headcrab's in-game description, Super Meat Boy

Method: 10 Bandages

Headcrab's picture.

The Headcrab is the 10 Bandages unlock for the Steam Version of Super Meat Boy.

Headcrab is like Goo Ball but with a more horizontal jump.

Con: Jumps less vertically than Gish and Goo Ball.

Description: "Clingy! Itchy"

Slides down way slower from walls while the run button is being held. While the run button is being held, it can also slide on the ceiling, which can make some levels much easier.


  • It's only available in the Steam version, and not in the Xbox Live Arcade Version.
  • Its mouth can only be seen on the character selection screen.
  • Headcrab was voted as the 2nd worst character in the game like Captain Viridian.
  • Judging by the lack of teeth normal Headcrabs have, it can be assumed this Headcrab is Lamarr, from Half-Life 2.
  • Headcrab's sounds are taken from Half-Life 2.

Related achievements[]

SMB Icon HeadCrab I Have Crabs!
Unlock the Head Crab (10 bandages)
Super Meat Boy characters
All versions
SMB Icon MeatBoy
Meat Boy
SMB Icon BandageGirl
Bandage Girl
SMB Icon MeatBoy8Bit
8-Bit Meat Boy
SMB Icon MeatBoy4Bit
4-Bit Meat Boy
SMB Icon MeatBoy4Color
4-Color Meat Boy
SMB Icon MeatNinja
Meat Ninja
SMB Icon Brownie
SMB Icon CommanderVideo
Commander Video
SMB Icon Jill
SMB Icon Ogmo
SMB Icon Flywrench
SMB Icon TheKid
The Kid
SMB Icon AlienHominid
Alien Hominid
SMB Icon Tim
Console exclusives
SMB Icon Gish
SMB Icon Spelunky
SMB Icon PinkKnight
Pink Knight
SMB Icon Ninja
The Ninja
PC exclusives
SMB Icon HeadCrab
SMB Icon Josef
SMB Icon Naija
SMB Icon Runman
SMB Icon CaptainViridian
Captain Viridian
SMB Icon Steve
SMB Icon GooBall
Goo Ball*
SMB Icon TofuBoy
Tofu Boy*
SMB Icon PotatoBoy
Potato Boy
SMB Icon DrFetus
Dr. Fetus
* = Requires code input
** = Requires code input on PC only