Super Meat Boy Wiki
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Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine is an action-puzzle video game developed by Team Meat. The first major spinoff of the Super Meat Boy series, it stars series antagonist Dr. Fetus in his attempts to create the perfect Meat Boy clone.


After the events of Super Meat Boy Forever, Dr. Fetus begins work on his next sinister plot: Creating a perfect clone of Meat Boy. As his cloning machine warms up, he begins creating sets that simulate the many obstacles Meat Boy has surpassed. He puts the imperfect clones spawned from the machine through tests using these sets in order to gather data and mutate the clones closer to being accurate to Meat Boy.

After running hundreds of tests and witnessing many mutations, the purification process is complete. Dr. Fetus activates the cloning machine once more, and a perfect duplicate Meat Boy is created. Dr. Fetus mocks it by giving it the finger, then kills it with a plasma shotgun. He laughs about this then spawns even more perfect clones at once, pulling out a spike ball weapon to kill them. But before he can...


A Warp Zone appears in the middle of Fetus' secret lab, sucking him inside. The spike ball weapon drops on its trigger, firing a spike ball at the cloning machine. This causes the machine to malfunction, spewing countless Meat Boy clones as the screen fades...


At first, gameplay resembles its primary inspiration of Puyo Puyo; two Meat Boy clones of varying colors will move down from the top of the screen, ending up at the bottom or against a wall or other clones. If a connection of four or more Meat Boys of the same color is made, they are "purged." Multiple connections can be made at a time, as well as chaining connections one-by-one.


Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine began development some time shortly after the initial launch of Super Meat Boy Forever. Dieter Schoeller, founder and CEO of Headup Games, pitched the idea of Dr. Fetus getting his own puzzle game to Tommy Refenes, stating that the character deserved his own game. Schoeller saw recent releases such as Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon as a rejuvination of puzzle games in the indie game scene, and wanted to make a game inspired by Puyo Puyo, more specifically the North American reskin Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. Before the pitch, a prototype was made reusing assets from previous games. This prototype was shown to Refenes, who thought the project was weird, but approved it anyways.[1]

Development overlapped with the development of the mobile port of Super Meat Boy Forever. Artists and animators from that game became more heavily involved later in development, causing plenty of reused assets to be replaced with original artwork before launch; trailers and early versions of the demo featured these reused assets. Ridiculon also returned to compose for the game. Most tracks are remixes of songs from Super Meat Boy Forever, with some original tracks for certain levels.


  • This is the first game in the Super Meat Boy series that wasn't developed and published solely by Team Meat.


Super Meat Boy games
Main series Super Meat Boy · Super Meat Boy Forever
Spinoffs Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine
Prototypes Meat Boy · Meat Boy (Map Pack)
Other Super Meat Boy: Rival Rush · Super Meat Boy HANDHELD!
Unofficial Super Tofu Boy · Super Meat Boy Galaxy
