It is a lush woodland area with more varied vegetation and decoration than The Forest. It not only contains trees, but also large thorns, tall mushrooms, hills with eyes, bones, wooden squirrel statues, and more. Meat Boy, Bandage Girl, and Nugget were enjoying a picnic here before Dr. Fetus attacked them.
The opening cutscene for Chipper Grove sees Dr. Fetus stealing Nugget, and so Meat Boy and Bandage Girl leap to save her.
Much like The Forest before it, Chipper Grove is designed to introduce the mechanics of the game in its first few levels, notably jumping, dashing, sliding, and diving. Obstacles and other objects introduced in this chapter include sawblades, bumper block, Flies, Shroomlings, crumbling blocks, chasey saws, wood blocks, and spinny saws.
The boss of this chapter is Big Slugger. In its boss cutscene, it arrives, piloted by Dr. Fetus, to corner Meat Boy and Bandage Girl. Nugget plays with one of the buttons in the cockpit (until Dr. Fetus throws her aside). This gives the two the idea to hit the machine's four, red, button-like weak spots.
In the outro cutscene, Big Slugger's escape pod is activated by Nugget, sending her and Dr. Fetus to The Clinic. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl pursue, not knowing of the devastation Big Slugger left behind. An injured squirrel views destruction atop the Slugger and swears vengeance on Dr. Fetus.